#500 Retarding Thinner

#500 Retarding Thinner


The #500 Retarding Thinner is a Glycol Ether solvent added to a paint mix to retard its drying time in hot weather applications. It should be used to extend flow time and prevent solvent blush when working in high temperatures or high relative dew points. This will make Permalac/lacquer take around an hour to set up. It can also be used as a cleaner for finishing metals. Use between 5% and 10%. Use when humidity exceeds 85%.


The #500 Retarding Thinner is a Glycol Ether solvent added to a paint mix to retard its drying time in hot weather applications. It should be used to extend flow time and prevent solvent blush when working in high temperatures or high relative dew points. This will make Permalac/lacquer take around an hour to set up. It can also be used as a cleaner for finishing metals. Use between 5% and 10%. Use when humidity exceeds 85%.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A


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